lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

A Country I Would Like To Visit

Hello there folks! This time I would like to talk about a country I would like to visit. During this year, I had a trip with my folk music band mates, very unexpected, to a country called Hungary (Magyarország, in their own language, Hungría, in spanish).

I have to say that I didn’t knew many of things about Hungary (and I still don’t), maybe some things like Franz Liszt’s piano piece “Hungarian Rhapsody n°8”, it’s beautiful parliament building, Danube River that crosses and divides Hungary in “Buda” and “Pest” and it famous typical drink called “Palinka”.

During my trip, I didn’t had much time to go for a walk and meet other places, so that is exactly what I would like to do if I go there again, specially, I would like to visit again a city called Szeged, a place with a lot of history and old building. In fact, there is a church that has bullets inside it’s walls because of the Second World War. I left a lot of friends in a little town called Szazhalombatta, which is a town that I obviously would like to come back.

I would like to travel with all my family, because I love them all.

I hope you like this post and please leave a comment!

5 comentarios:

  1. I think that Hungary is the best country to live because there are very beautiful women and much Palinka ! See you !

  2. I think that Hungary is the best country to live because there are very beautiful women and much Palinka ! See you !

  3. Hungary makes me hungry...I hope they have some delicious food I could eat when I'm there.


  4. I would like to drink palinka if you know how make this call me jaja

  5. I´m the Europa boy ajajajaja. 2 things: 1) I love the Hungarian Parlament with Danube river picture
    2) Never could say some names of hungarian cities as Szombathely
